CABE Newsletters

Feds Deny Grants for Toll Lanes this Year (November 19)
Update on Toll Lanes in Montgomery & Prince George's (September 8)
Southside Toll Lanes Move Forward (June 30)
Lawsuit Against Toll Lanes Continues on Appeal (May 18)
MDOT/VDOT Plan to Widen Entire Beltway (April 21)
Update on Toll Lanes Lawsuit (March 27)
Tell the TPB to Reject Toll Lanes (March 13)
Update on Legislative Activities (February 27)
No Federal Funding for Toll Lanes This Year (January 30)
Town Hall Featuring Transportation Chair Marc Korman (January 8)
MDOT Budget Prioritizes Toll Lanes Over Transit (December 12)
Business is Turning Out to Support Toll Lanes (November 27)
Tips for MDOT's Open Houses (November 11)
MDOT Adds Saturday Open House On Toll Lanes Plan (November 3)
Please Attend MDOT Open House on Toll Lanes (October 22)
Town Hall Meeting Oct. 16! (September 27)
Beltway Expansion Pushed for Montgomery and Prince George's County (September 8)
Gov. Moore Announces Plan to Add Toll Lanes to I-495/I-270 (August 23)
County Leaders Must Act Now (August 5)
New Report Shows Toll Lanes Are Wrong Approach (July 9)
Lt. Governor Makes Alarming Comments (June 17)
Does MDOT Have a New Toll Lanes Plan? (May 30)
Send a Message to County Council (May 7)
Cancel the Toll Lanes! (April 16)
Transurban Withdraws from Toll Lanes Project! (March 11)
Updates in the County Council and General Assembly (February 20)
County Must Insist that Toll Lanes Be Cancelled (February 4)
Moore Seeks Public Input on Transportation (December 16)
Now It's Up to Wes Moore (November 23)
Advocates, Public Officials Urge Toll Lane Permits Be Denied (November 13)
Lawsuit Filed to Halt Toll Lanes (October 13)
Tell Officials to Deny Permits for the Toll Lanes (September 22)
Feds Approve Toll Lanes But MDOT Faces Obstacles (August 27)
It Appears that Feds Are Carefully Reviewing Toll Lanes (August 10)
Candidate Positions on Luxury Lanes (July 14)
The FEIS Is Out, Join Town Hall Meeting (June 18)
Candidate Scorecards On Luxury Lanes (June 14)
Is MDOT Lying About its Own Data Again? (May 17)
Elected Officials Urge Redo of Environmental Review (April 26)
Candidates on the Toll Lanes (April 1)
Tell Congress, Stop the Toll Lanes (March 5)
Toll Lanes Would Damage Historic Properties (February 13)
Virginia Finds that Adding Lanes Won’t Work (January 23)
MDOT’s Toll Lanes Schedule Slips (January 9)
Over 2,000 Submit Comments to MDOT (December 14)
Candidates Talk About Toll Lanes (November 27)
Tell MDOT You Oppose the Toll Lanes (November 14)
Tell MDOT & FHWA Why You Oppose the Toll Lanes (November 6)
Selected Impacts of Toll Lanes from New Environmental Review (October 26)
Sign Up for CABE Town Hall (October 11)
Mark Your Calendar for October 13 CABE Town Hall (September 29)
Once Again, Hogan Breaks His Promises (September 12)
Losing Bidder Tells State Panel It Will Go to Court (August 29)
The Fight Isn't Over (August 17)
BPW to Vote on 495/270 Plan - Take Action Now (August 6)
Planning Board Votes to Include Toll Lanes in Regional Plan (July 23)
Call Comptroller Franchot To Delay Vote on Tollway Contract (July 9)
Join an Urgent Townhall to Fight the I-495/I-270 Toll Lanes (June 20)
State Action Prompts Protest Against Lexus Lanes (June 14)
Emergency Rally to Stop the P3 Boondoggle (June 6)
Action by Biden Administration Will Reduce Traffic Congestion (May 26)
Maryland Scales Back Expansion Plan, But the Fight Continues (May 17)
MDOT Toll Lane Design Would Increase Traffic on Local Roads (May 11)
Board of Public Works Vote Delayed (April 30)
MD House Ok's P3 Reforms but Holds MDOT to Fewer Beltway Expansion Promises (March 23)
Hogan Attack on P3 Promises Act Triggers Call for Citizen Action (March 15)
Senate Panel Takes up MDOT P3 Promises Act (March 8)
MDOT Proposed I-270 Tolls Guaranteed to Rise Faster Than Inflation (March 1)
Mark Your Calendar: Feb 24 Rally with Lawmakers, Advocates for I-495/I-270 Promises Act (February 18)
Taxpayer P3 Risks Exposed in Australia; Senator Benson Introduces Senate Version of P3 Promises Bill (February 11)
MD Schedules P3 Reform Hearings, VA Legislation Reining in Dulles Greenway P3 Toll Hikes Advances, More Orlando Lessons, (February 2)
The Lowdown on MDOT's Surprise Design for I-495 Luxury Lanes & What Maryland Can Learn from Orlando's I-4 Woes (January 28)
Uh, Oh! Someone is Lobbying for Broken Luxury Lane Promises and Reckless Spending (January 21)
Outlook for I-495 Luxury Lane Legislation, Litigation, Mediation (January 12)
MDOT to Pick Luxury Lane Developer on Feb 1; CABE Townhall Scheduled for January 7 (December 30, 2020)
Key 495/270 Luxury Lane decision due in weeks says new MDOT timeline (December 23, 2020)
Will the Purple Line Fiasco Fuel P3 Reform in Annapolis? (December 14, 2020)
Delegate Korman Readies New I-495/I-270 bill, Fairfax County tell VDOT to pause "Road to Nowhere" (December 6, 2020)
US Navy Fires Broadside at I-495 Expansion, NoVA Citizens Push Back on More I-495 Toll Lanes (November 22, 2020)
Public Submits 2000 DEIS Comments. Luxury Lane Fight Heads to Annapolis (November 16, 2020)
MoCo Submits I-495 DEIS Comments by Nov. 9 Deadline (November 7, 2020)
NoVA Tollway Data Undercuts I-495/I-270 Luxury Lane Promises (October 30, 2020)
MoCo Council Transportation Panel to Meet on I-495/I-270 Luxury Lane Expansion Policy (Oct 26, 2020)
M-NCPPC, MoCo Delegation Opposition to Luxury Lanes Stiffens (Oct 22, 2020)
$49.63 I-270 rush hour tolls ahead, according to MDOT data; Fairfax County wants more hearings on NOVA tollway extension (October 15)
Federal planning commissioners call for I-495/I-270 DEIS redo (October 2)
Maryland General Assembly pounds DEIS (September 24)
Purple Line meltdown reveals true colors of P3 risks - Reminder: Sept 21 comment clinic. (September 17)
September 21 Comment Clinic --Make your Voice Heard on I-495 and I-270 Expansion Plan! (September 10)
Join the drive for comments on the draft DEIS by the new November 9 deadline (August 31)
Planning Commission Rips MDOT for adding 1600 new pages to draft EIS without telling public (August 19)
MDOT: I-495 expansion project data in flux; new tools for comment on Luxury Lane draft environmental impact statement (August 16)
4 PG County cities speak out; August 13 clinic planned for writing draft EIS comments (August 11)
Does the Luxury Lane DEIS add up? (August 1)
M-NCPPC blasts I-495/I-270 DEIS (July 18)
July 15 DEIS hearing; P3 dependence on taxpayers is a feature, not a bug (July 13)
MD Sens, Reps. call for 120-day DEIS comment period (July 9)
What VA can teach MD about P3s; 18,000 page DEIS imminent (July 6)
P3 blowups in MD, Australia show I-495/I-270 expansion risks to taxpayers (June 16)
MDOT reschedules Draft Environmental Impact Statement for mid-July (June 3)
Luxury Lane industry seeks $9.2 billion COVID-19 bailout, draft EIS likely on June 12 (June 2)
Transurban floats federal bailout, Montgomery, PG oppose water bill hikes for Luxury Lanes (May 15)
CABE op-ed calls out highway happy talk in COVID-19 America (May 7)
Toll Lane contracting mess threatens state tinances (April 27)
COVID-19 shifts Luxury Lane debate (April 18)
M-NCPPC Chair Anderson, state, local leaders to speak at CABE Town Hall (April 7)
Luxury Lane bidder hikes tolls as COVID19 cuts rush hour traffic by 37% (April 1)
COVID19 cuts traffic 56% on NoVA Luxury Lanes (March 30)
House passes P3 reform bills! Tell the Senate to at now! (March 17)
Tell the General Assembly to stop the 277% Luxury Lane rate hike to your WSSC bill (March 12)
CABE joins call for protection against Luxury Lane ripoffs while highway lobbyists back $50 tolls (March 6)
Unanimous support for HB1249, MDOT Promises Act, from Montgomery County Council (February 25)
Tell Montgomery County to support HB1249 (February 21)
Why P3 reform must pass now (February 15)
CABE Announces February 11 Lobby Day (January 31)
P3 reform accelerating; CBO says taxpayers on hook for P3s (January 25)
The push for P3 legislative reform is underway in Annapolis! (January 18)
Scaled-back Luxury Lane plan approved. Now pass P3 reform (January 9)
Board of Public Works to vote Jan. 8 on revamped Luxury Lane plan (January 3)
Luxury Lanes spark bi-partisan scorn in North Carolina (December 31)
Debate changes big in 2019, get ready for 2020 (December 26)
Gov. Hogan may be only sure vote left for key Luxury Lane amendments. So now what? (December 19)
MDOT Secretary Rahn heads back to New Mexico (December 9)
New pressure on Luxury Lanes could delay Board of Public Works vote until 2020 (December 7)
Gov. Hogan's office confirms delay of Dec 4 Board of Public Works vote on Luxury Lanes! (December 3)
December 4 Board of Public Works vote planned on Beltway Luxury Lane changes. (November 25)
M-NCPPC MDOT dispute over Luxury Lane alternatives could end up in court (November 21)
Nov. 12 Luxury Lane relaunch repackages same risks, costs, problems (November 13)
No sign parkland obstacle to I-495 Luxury Lane plan going away soon. (November 11)
MDOT Beltway Road Show hits wall in Montgomery County (November 5)
Suburban support slipping for I-495 Luxury Lanes (October 27)
State/county transportation chairs to address Oct 27 CABE townhall (October 20)
Will trucks use Beltway Luxury Lanes? More speakers join line-up for October 27 CABE townhall. (October 11)
October 27 CABE Fall Townhall at North Chevy Chase Church (October 4)
Luxury Lane opposition is having an impact (September 22)
"Pre-NEPA" launched, MDOT reaffirms commitment to widening 495 (September 13)
Parkland debate having an impact on Beltway widening plans (September 7)
CABE response to Washington Post editorial (August 5)
Major changes now being considered for MDOT 495 widening (July 25)
National Capital Planning Commissioners not happy with MDOT Luxury Lane plan (July 12)
Treasurer Kopp skeptical of 495 widening, last minute changes (July 5)
"Keep up the pressure" speakers tell first annual CABE meeting (June 30)
June 14 MDOT Deadline for comments on Beltway Luxury Lanes (May 24)
Washington Post poll: More worry about cost, effectiveness of 495/270 toll lane plan than support. (May 12)
May 5 Silver Spring Town Hall! BPW Plans May 8 vote without Treasurer Kopp! (May 2)
Elevated lanes for I-495 on table, says SHA Administrator Slater (April 24)
Reminder: April 18 meeting with SHA Administrator Gregg Slater (April 15)
Days left to pass HB1091 after MD Treasurer offers amendment (Apr 4)
Call to press Senate to pass HB1091 following General Assembly calls for Lexus Lane do-over in budget (Mar 27)
CABE testimony on bill requiring affected counties to consent to toll lanes (Feb 7)
Call to Legislative Action from MoCo elected officials (Jan 30)
General Assembly moving multiple Beltway Lexus Lane bills (Jan 24)
General Assembly staff urge Lexus Lane plan do-over (Jan 14)